
The "Centro de Estudos Agro-Alimentares" (CEAA) being a unit inserted in the  University aims mainly the teaching activities, research and development and technical support to the food industries.

The CEAA  started its activity  in July 1, 2003 and  came to substitute the "Centro de Microbiologia e Indústrias Agrícolas" (CMIA) that began its activity  in the 70s, with finantial support of the Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica (INIC).

In 1994  CMIA was integrated in the Financing Plurianual Program of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).  

CMIA suffered in  2002 a deep restructuration in what respects team composition and main targets. 

The research  main targets are related to the problems of the food industry. The Centre activities are being developed in partnership with other institutions, both national and international ones and with food industry.

The Centre integrates researchers from the  Departamento de Agro-Indústrias e Agronomia Tropical of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia and from the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical , Centro de Estudos de Produção e Tecnologia  Agrícola, as well as fellowships inserted in  the research projects, and  Masters and PhD students.



URL: www.isa.utl.pt/ceaa E-mail: ceaa@isa.utl.pt
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