ADDRESS Protecção das Plantas e dos Produtos Agrícolas Armazenados

[ 1 Books/Book Chapters ] [ 2 Papers in International Journals with Referees ] [ 3 Papers in National Journals with Referees ] [ 4 Papers in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings ] [ 5 Abstracts in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings ] [ 6 Contributions to Encyclopaedias ] [ 7 Other Publications ]

2. Papers in International Journals with Referees

Cerejeira, M., Pereira, T., Silva-Fernandes, A. & Brito, F. (1999) Preliminary toxicity evaluation of water from rice fields using cost-effective microbiotests. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 69 (3-4): 373-380

Cerejeira, M.J., Silva, E., Batista, S., Trancoso, A., Centeno, M.S.L. & Silva-Fernandes, A. (1999) Simazine, metribuzine and nitrates in ground water of agricultural areas of Portugal. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry ( accepted for publ.)

Figueiredo, E., Muñoz, D., Escribano, A., Mexia, A., Vlak, J. & Caballero, P. (1999) Biochemical identification and comparative insecticidal activity of nucleopolyhedrovirus isolates pathogenic for Heliothis armigera (Lep., Noctuidae) larvae. J. appl. Entomol., 123(3): 165-169

Jorge, V., Gomez-Vasquez, R., Lima, A., Dioh, W., Lebrun, M-H, Notteghem, J. L & Tharreau, D. (1999) Genetic and pathotype diversity of the European populations of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. European Journal of Plant Pathology (accepted for publ.)

Nascimento, T., Oliveira, H. and Schulz, T. (1999) Identification of Agrobacterium vitis strains by amplification of molecular markers. Petria 9: 81-84.

Rego, M. C., Oliveira, H., Carvalho, A. & Phillips, A. (1999) Involvement of Phaeoacremonium spp. and Cylindrocarpon destructans with grapevine decline in Portugal. Phytopathologia mediterranea (accepted for publ.)

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