ADDRESS Protecção das Plantas e dos Produtos Agrícolas Armazenados

[ 1 Books/Book Chapters ] [ 2 Papers in International Journals with Referees ] [ 3 Papers in National Journals with Referees ] [ 4 Papers in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings ] [ 5 Abstracts in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings ] [ 6 Contributions to Encyclopaedias ] [ 7 Other Publications ]

1. Books/Book Chapters

Marques, C., Nunes, A.P., Almeida, M.L., Godinho, M.C., Figueiredo, E., Amaro, F., Carvalho, P. & Mexia, A. (1999) Manual de protecção integrada em culturas protegidas. Principais pragas e auxiliares na região Oeste. ISA Press, Lisboa, 61 pp.

Panconesi, A., Raddi, P., Andréoli, C., Ramos, P., Xenopoulos, S., Caetano, F. & Pinto-Ganhão, J. 1999. Capítulo 5. Doenças. In: Teissier du Cros, E., Ducrey, M., Barthélémy, D., Pichot, C., Giannini, R., Raddi, P., Roques, A., Sales Luis & Thibaut, B. (Eds.) O Cipreste. Manual Técnico. Studio Leonardo, Florença, pp. 55-74 (Published in Inglish, Spanish, Italian, French, Greeck and Portuguese).

Pereira, T., Cerejeira, M., Brito, F. & Morbey, M.A. Laboratory studies with microbiotests to evaluate the acute toxicity of the main pesticides used in rice crop. In. New microbiotests for routine toxicity screening and biomonitoring (ed. Persoone, G., Janssen, C. & De Coen, W.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (in press)

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last update 13/Out/2000
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