ADDRESS Protecção das Plantas e dos Produtos Agrícolas Armazenados

3.1.Host-parasite relationships

[ 3.1.Host-parasite relationships ] [ 3.2.Histological and biochemical studies ] [ 3.3.Phenotypic and genotypic interactions ]

3.3. Phenotypic and genotypic interactions

For determining the number of genes associated with resistance in the rice cultivar "Onda", which is effective to the European lineage 1 of M. grisea, analysis of the F2 population of a cross with cultivar "Sariceltik" was performed, showing that resistance of the cultivar "Onda" is given by one gene only. To identify this gene, the cultivar "Onda" was crossed with Japanese cultivar "Aishi Asahi". It is expected that identification will be accomplished soon. The characterization of four genes encoding elicitins of Phytophthora cinnamomi was reported. Two of these genes can be classified in the well known groups of basic and acid elicitins (class IA and IB9) but the other two encoded elicitins are more closely related to the highly acid elicitins of P. cryptogea (classII). In the case of Phytophthora elicitins, a serological tool will be particularly useful for a comparative study of the antigenic properties of a group of proteins having structural similarities but different biological effects as well as for their detection and quantification in vitro and in planta, during compatible or incompatible host-fungus interactions involving different Phytophthora and plant species. A monoclonal antibody was produced for obtaining an immunological method which will allow to identify the role of each elicitin isoform during interaction between fungi and plant.. A biologically active form of recombinant b-cinnamomin elicitin produced in the Pychia pastoris system was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) in a two-month-old male Jackson mice.

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last update 13/Out/2000
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