ADDRESS Protecção das Plantas e dos Produtos Agrícolas Armazenados

3. Host-parasite relationships

[ 3.1.Host-parasite relationships ] [ 3.2.Histological and biochemical studies ] [ 3.3.Phenotypic and genotypic interactions ]

3.2. Histological and biochemical studies

Among canker resistant clones of Cupressus sempervirens growing in geographically distinct areas, in Portugal, some were selected due to their ornamental, windbreak and forest characteristics. Susceptible and resistant trees show a different reaction when in presence of Seiridium cardinale. The resistance mechanism involves the production of a new phellogene layer which prevents the progression of the fungus in the host tissues. This finding can be used in future to carry out an early screen of potential resistant clones.

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last update 13/Out/2000
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