Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ceintíficas

Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos
Departamento de Biotecnología de los Alimentos
Polígono de la Coma s/n. Apartado de correos 73
46100 Burjasot (Valencia)

Telefone: + 34 96 3900022 - ext. 2306
Fax: + 34 96 3636301
Representante: Amparo Querol Simón


Enologia - Aditivos e Práticas Enológicas
Enologia - Análise de Contaminantes
Enologia - Compostos de Aroma
Enologia - Leveduras
Enologia - Técnicas de biologia molecular aplicada a microorganismos


Agustín Aranda Fernández
Amparo Querol Simón
Eladio Barrio Esparducer
Emilia Matallana Redondo
Marcellí del Olmo Muñoz
Maria José Peris Torán
Maria Teresa Fernández Espinar García


DE LLANOS, R,. FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., QUEROL, A. (2004): Identification of species of the genus Candida by RFLP analysis of the 5.8S rRNA gene and the two ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 85:175-185.

DE LLANOS, R.; FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T.; PLANES, A.N.; QUEROL, A. (2004): Molecular characterization of clinical and non-clinical isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Systematic Appl. Microbiol. (En prensa)

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., QUEROL, A.(2004): Authentication and identification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae "flor" yeast races involved in sherry aging. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 85:151-158.

MORRISSEY, W.F., QUEROL, A.; DOBSON, A. (2004): The role of indigenous yeasts in traditional Irish cider fermentations. J Appl Microbiol (Aceptado).

QUEROL, A., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T.; BARRIO, E. (2004): Genetic variability of yeast in wine fermentation. In: Mycology, Vol. 21: Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, an Environmental Applications. Marcer Dekker, Inc. (Dilip D. Arora, Ed.). Nerw York (USA). ISBN: 0-8247-4770-4. 257-267.

ZUZUARREGUI, A; DEL OLMO, M. (2004): Analyses of stress resistance under laboratory conditions constitute a suitable criterion for wine yeasts selection. Antonie van Leeuwnhoek. 85(4):271-280.

ZUZUAREGUI, A; DEL OLMO, M. (2004): Expression of stress response genes in wine strains with different fermentative behavior. Fems Yeast Res. 4(7): 699-710.

ALLER-ARRANZ, E., RANDEZ-GIL, F., BARRIO, E., PRIETO, JA. (2003): A DNA region of Torulaspora delbrueckii containing the HIS3 gene sequence, gene order and evolution. Yeast. 20(16): 1359-1368.

ARANDA, A.; DEL OLMO, M. (2003): Response to acetaldehyde stress in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves a strain dependent regulation of several ALD genes and is mediated by the general stress response pathway. Yeast 20:747-759.

CARRASCO, P., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E., DEL OLMO, M. (2003): Arginase activity is a useful marker of nitrogen limitation during alcoholic fermentations. Systematic Appl. Microbiol. 26: 471-479.

DIAS, L., DIAS, S., SANCHO, T., STENDER, H., QUEROL, A., MALFEITO-FERREIRA, M.; LOUREIRO, V. (2003): Identification of yeasts isolated from wine-related environments and capable of producing 4-ethylphenol. Food Microbiology. 20:567-574.

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., ZORMAN, T., BELLOCH, C., AND QUEROL, A. (2003): Molecular characterisation of the species of the genus Zygosacccharomyces. System. Appl. Microbiol. 26:404-411.

FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, T, BARRIO, E., RAMÓN D.; QUEROL, A. (2003): Analysis of the genetic variability in the species of Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex. Yeast. 20, 1213-1226.

MARTÍNEZ-CULEBRAS, P.V., QUEROL, A., SUÁREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, M.B., GARCÍA, M.D., BARRIO, E. (2003): Phylogenetic relationships among Colletotrichum pathogens of strawberry and design of PCR primers for their identification. J. Phytopathol. 151(3):135-143.

QUEROL, A., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., DEL OLMO, M., BARRIO, E. (2003): Molecular evolution in yeast of biotechnological interest. Int. Microbiol. 6, 201-205.

QUEROL, A., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., DEL OLMO, M., BARRIO, E. (2003): Adaptive evolution of wine yeast. Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 86: 3-10.

SÁEZ, A.G., TATARENKOV, A., BARRIO, E., BECERRA, N.H., AYALA, F.J. (2003): Patterns of DNA sequence polymorphism at Sod vicinities in Drosophila melanogaster: Unraveling the footprint of a recent selective sweep. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100 (4): 1793-1798.

ALÉN, C., KENT, N.A., JONES, H.S., O'SULLIVAN, J., ARANDA, A. PROUDFOOT, N.J. (2002): A Role for Chromatin Remodeling in Transcriptional Termination by RNA Polymerase II. Mol. Cell. 10: 1441-1452.

ARANDA, A., QUEROL, A.; OLMO, M. DEL. (2002): Correlation between acetaldehyde and ethanol resistance and expression of HSP genes in yeast strains isolated during the biological aging of sherry wines. Arch Microbiol. 177: 304-312.

BELLOCH, C., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, T. QUEROL, A., GARCÍA, M.D. BARRIO, E. (2002): An analysis of inter-and intraspecific genetic variabilities in the K. marxianus group of yeast species for the reconsideration of the K. lactis taxon. Yeast. 19: 257-268.

CAMPBELL, S.G., DEL OLMO, M., BEGLAN, P., BOND, U. (2002): A sequence element downstream of the yeast HTB1 gene contributes to mRNA 3' processing and cell cycle regulation. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 22:8415-8425.

FARES, M.A., BARRIO, E., SABATER-MUÑOZ, B., MOYA, A. (2002): The evolution of the heat-shock protein GroEL from Buchnera, the primary endosymbiont of aphids, is governed by positive selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:1162-1170.

FARES, M.A., ELENA, S.F., ORTIZ, J., MOYA, A., BARRIO, E. (2002): A sliding window-based method to detect selective constraints in protein coding genes: highlighting positively selected regions in RNA viruses. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 55:509-521.

FARES, M.A., RUIZ-GONZÁLEZ, M.X., MOYA, A., ELENA, S.F., BARRIO, E. (2002): Endosymbiotic bacteria: GroEL buffers against deleterious mutations. Nature 417:398.

GONZÁLEZ-ÁLVAREZ, M., ALZUET, G., BORRÁS, J., MACÍAS, B., DEL OLMO, M., LIU-GONZÁLEZ, M.; SANZ, F. (2002): Nuclease activity of (Cu(sulfathiazolato)2(benzimidazole)2)2MeOH. Synthesis, properties and crystal structure. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 89: 29-35.

LOPES, C.A., BROOCK, M. VAN., QUEROL, A., CABALLERO, A.C. (2002): Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast populations in a cold region in Argentinean Patagonia. A study at different fermentation scales. J Applied Microbiology. 93:608-615.

LÓPEZ, V., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., BARRIO, E., RAMÓN, D. QUEROL, A. (2002): A new PCR-based method for monitoring inoculated wine fermentations. Int J Food Microbiology. 81: 63-71.

MARTÍNEZ-CULEBRAS, P.V., SUÁREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, M.B., BARRIO, E., GARCÍA, M.D., QUEROL, A. (2002): RAPDs analysis of Colletotrichum species derived from strawberry and specific primers for identification of C. fragariae species. J. Phytopathol. 150:680-686.

PEDREÑO, Y., GIMENO-ALCAÑÍZ, J.V., MATALLANA, E., ARGÜELLES, J.C. (2002): Response to oxidative stress caused by H2O2 in saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in trehalase genes. Arch. Microbiol

PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E.; QUEROL A., PUIG, S.; BARRIO, E. (2002): Molecular Characterization of a Chromosomal Rearrangement Involved in the Adaptive Evolution of Wine Yeast Strains. Genome Research. 12:1533-1539.

PÉREZ-TORRADO, R., CARRACO, P., GIMENO-ALCAÑÍZ, J.V., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E., MATALLANA, E.; DEL OLMO, M. (2002): Study of the first hours of microvinification by the use of osmotic stress-response genes as probes. System. Appl. Microbiol. 25:153-161.

PÉREZ-TORRADO, R., GIMENO-ALCAÑIZ, J.V. MATALLANA, E. (2002): Wine yeast strains engineered for glycogen overproduction display enhanced viability under glucose deprivation conditions. Appl. Environm. Microbiol.

ARANDA, A., PROUDFOOT, N.J. (2001): Transcriptional termination factors for RNA polynerase II in yeast. Mol. Cell. 7:1003-1011.

CARRASCO, P., QUEROL, A., DEL OLMO, M. (2001): Analysis of the stress resistance of commercial wine yeast strains. Arch Microbiol. 175, 450-457.

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., PERIS-TORÁN, M.J., GARCÍA-MAIQUEZ, E., URUBURU, F. ; QUEROL, A. (2001): Yeast population dynamics during the fermentation and biological aging of sherry wines. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(5), 2056-2061.

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., PERIS-TORÁN, M.J., RAMÓN, D., QUEROL, A. (2001): Molecular characterization of Hanseniaspora species. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 80: 85-92.

FARES, M.A., MOYA, A., ESCARMÍS, C., BARANOWSKI, E., DOMINGO, E., BARRIO, E. (2001): Evidence for positive selection in the capsid protein-coding region of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) subjected to experimental passage regimens. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 18(1): 10-21.

FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., LÓPEZ, V., RAMÓN, D., BARTRA, E., QUEROL, A. (2001): Study of the authenticity of commercial wine yeast strains by molecular techniques. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 70:1-10.

GANGA, A., PIÑAGA, F., QUEROL, A., RAMÓN, D. VALLÉS, S. (2001): Cell-wall degrading enzymes in the release of grape aroma precursors. Food Sci. Technol. Int. 7(1):83-87.

GIMENO-ALCAÑIZ, J.V., MATALLANA, E. (2001): Performance of industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during wine fermentation is affected by manipulation strategies based on sporulation. System. Appl. Microbiol. 24, 639-644.

LÓPEZ, V., QUEROL, A., RAMÓN, D., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T. (2001): A simplified procedure to analyse mitochondrial DNA from industrial yeasts. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 68:75-81.

MARÍN, I., FARES, M.A., GONZÁLEZ-CANDELAS, L., BARRIO, E., MOYA, A. (2001): Detecting changes in the functional constrints of paralogous genes. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 52:17-28.

BELLOCH, C., QUEROL, A., GARCÍA, M.D., BARRIO, E. (2000): Phylogeny of the genus Kluyveromyces inferred from the mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase II gene. Int. J. of Syst. and Evolutionary Microbiology. 50: 405-416.

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B.; GOSTÍNCAR, A.; BOBET, R.; URUBURU, F.; QUEROL, A. (2000): Selection and molecular characterization of wine yeasts isolated from "El Penedes" area (Spain). Food Microbiology. 17:553-562.

FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., QUEROL, A. BARRIO, E. (2000): RFLP analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and the 5.8S rRNA gene region of the genus Saccharomyces: a fast method for species identification and the differentiation of flor yeasts. Anton Leeuw Int. J.G. 78:87-97.

FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, T., QUEROL, A., RAMÓN, D. (2000): Molecular characterization of yeast strains by mitochondrial DNA restriction analysis. ISBN 0-89603-867-X. Methods in Biotechnology.

GREGER, I.H., ARANDA, A.; PROUDFOOT, N.J. (2000): Balancing transcriptional interference and initiation on the GAL7 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 97: 8415-8420.

MARTÍNEZ-CULEBRAS, P.V., BARRIO, E., GARCÍA-LÒPEZ, M.D., QUEROL, A. (2000): Identification of Collectotrichum species responsible for anthracnose of strawberry based on the internal transcribed spacers of the ribosomal region. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 189: 97-101.

MOYA, A., ELENA, S.F., BRACHO, A., MIRALLES, R., BARRIO, E. (2000): The evolution of RNA viruses: a population genetics view. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97(13):6967-6973.

PERAPOCH, J., PLANES, A.M., QUEROL, A., LÓPEZ, V., MARTÍNEZ-BENDAYÁN, I., TORMO, R., FERNÁNDEZ, F., PEGUERO, G. SALCEDO, S. (2000): Fungemia with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in two newborns, only one of whom had been treated with ultra-levura. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 19: 468-470.

PUIG, S., QUEROL, A., BARRIO, E., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E. (2000): Mitotic recombination and genetic changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during wine fermentation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66(5): 2057-2061.

QUEROL, A. (2000): Modificació genètica de llevats vínics. ACE Revista d'Enologia. 52: 16-19.

QUEROL, A., ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., LÓPEZ, V., FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINAR, M.T., BARRIO, E., PERIS-TORÁN, M.J.; RAMÓN, D. (2000): Molecular methods for the characterisation and monitoring of wine yeasts. Inoculation Rate and nutritional aspects keys points for food alcoholic fermentation management. (Symposium LALLEMAND). 35-41.

VAN HELDEN, J., DEL OLMO, M., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E. (2000): Statistical analysis of yeast genomic downstream sequences reveals putative polyadenylation signals. Nuc. Acids Res. 28: 1000-1010.

ARANDA, A., PROUDFOOT, N.J. (1999): Definition of transcriptional pause elements in fission yeast. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19: 1595-1604.

BUDDIE, A. G., MARTÍNEZ-CULEBRAS, P., BRIDGE, P. D., GARCÍA, M. D., QUEROL, A., CANNON, P. F., MONTE, E. (1999): Molecular characterization of Colletotrichum strains derived from strawberry. Mycol. Res. 103:385-394.

ESTEVE-ZARZOSO, B., BELLOCH, C., URUBURU, F. , QUEROL, A. (1999): Identification of yeast by RFLP analysis of the 5.8S rRNA gene and the two ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 49:329-337.

GANGA, M.A., PIÑAGA, F., VALLÉS, S., RAMÓN, D., QUEROL, A. (1999): Aroma improving in microvinification processes by the use of a recombinant wine yeast strain expressing the Aspergillus nidulans xlnA gene. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 47:171-178.

GASENT-TAMÍREZ, CASTREEJÓN, F., QUEROL, A., RAMÓN, D., BENÍTEZ, T. (1999): Genomic stability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker´s yeasts. System. Appl. Microbiol. 22: 329-340.

GIMENO-ALCAÑIZ, J.V.; PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E., MATALLANA, E. (1999): Differential pattern of trehalose accumulation in wine yeast strains during the microvinification process. Biotechnol. Lett. 21: 271-274.

IVORRA, C., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E., DEL OLMO, M. (1999): Reverse correlation of stress-resistance ability and stuck fermentations in wine yeasts. A molecular study. Biotechnol. & Bioeng. 64: 678-708.

LOUREIRO, V., QUEROL, A. (1999): The prevalence and control of spoilage yeasts in foods and beverages. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 10, 356-365.

MANZANARES, P., RAMÓN, D., QUEROL, A. (1999): Screening of non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts for the production of b-D-xylosidase activity. International. J. Food Microbiol. 46, 105-112.

PUIG, S.; MATALLANA, E., PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E. (1999): Stochastical mucleosome positioning in a yeast chromayin region is not dependent on histone H1. Curr. Microbiol. 39:168-172.

PUIG, S.; PÉREZ-ORTÍN, J.E., MATALLANA, E. (1999): Transcriptional and structural study of a region of two convergent overlapping yeast genes. Curr. Microbiol. 39:369-373.

TATARENKOV, A., KWIATOWSKI, J., SKARECKY, D., BARRIO, E., AYALA, F.J. (1999): On the evolution of Ddc and Drosophila Systematics. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 48:445-462.

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