Universidad de Cádiz

Centro del Mar y Ambientales
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Microbiología y Genética
Laboratório de Microbiología

E 11510 Puerto Real (Cádiz)

Telefone: + 34 956 016156
Fax: + 34 956 016180
Representante: Jesús Manuel Cantoral Fernández
Email: jesusmanuel.cantoral@uca.es


Carlos Garrido Crespo - CC Químicas
Francisco Javier Fernández Acero - CC Biológicas
Inmaculada Vallejo Fernández - CC Químicas
Jesús Manuel Cantoral Fernández - CC Biológicas
Juan José Infante Viñolo - CC Químicas
Laureana Rebordinos González - CC Biológicas
Maria Carbú Espinosa de los Monteros - CC Químicas
Maria Esther Rodríguez Jiménez - CC Químicas
Maria Luisa Espinazo Romeu - CC Químicas


Enologia - Leveduras
Enologia - Técnicas de biologia molecular aplicada a microorganismos



REBORDINOS, L., J.J. INFANTE, M.E. RODRÍGUEZ, I. VALLEJO,J.M. CANTORAL: (2004) Wine Yeasts-Growth and Factors affecting it. Handbook of Enology: Principles, Practices and Recent Innovation. V. K. Joshi. M/S Haworth Press. (In Press)

INFANTE, J.J., M.E. RODRIGUEZ, L. REBORDINOS AND J. M. CANTORAL (2003): Industrial yeasts for wine production. News methods for control and improvement. Microorganisms for health care, foods and enzyme production. Capítulo 10. Research Signpost. J.L. Barredo (ed). ISBN: 81-7736-161-9. pp 143-159.

INFANTE, J.J., K.M. DOMBEK, L. REBORDINOS, J.M. CANTORAL, E.T. YOU (2003): Genome-wide amplifications caused by chromosomal rearrangements play a major role in the adaptive evolution of natural yeast. Genetics 165:1745-1759.

REBORDINOS, L., I. VALLEJO, M.. CARBU AND J. M. CANTORAL (2003): Control of agricultural diseases and pests: the case of Botrytis cinerea. Microorganisms for health care, foods and enzyme production. Capítulo 18. Research Signpost. J.L. Barredo (ed). ISBN: 81-7736-161-9. pp 269-287.

VALLEJO, I., MUÑOZ, F., CARBU, M. , REBORDINOS, L., FERNANDEZ-ACERO, F.J., CANTORAL, J.M. (2003): Study on fungicide resistance of Botrytis cinerea isolates from diseased strawberry plants. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection.

REBORDINOS, L.; INFANTE, J.J.; RODRÍGUEZ, M.E.; VALLEJO, I.; CANTORAL, J.M.(2002): Wine Yeasts-Growth and Factors affecting it. Handbook of Enology: Principles, Practices and Recent Innovation (In Press). V. K. Joshi. M/S Haworth Press.: New York.

VALLEJO, I.; CARBU, M.; MUÑOZ, F.; REBORDINOS, L.; CANTORAL, J.M. (2002): Inheritance of chromosome-length polymorphism in the phytopathogenic ascomycete Botryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea). Mycological Research. 106: 1075-1085. Edinburgh

INFANTE, J.J.; DOMBEK, K.M.; REBORDINOS, L.; CANTORAL, J.M.; YOUNG, E.T. (2001): Whole genome characterization of flor vellum wine yeast variants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using DNA microarrays. XXth International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology: Biotechnology and Industrial Applications (S290): UK

SANTOS, M.; REBORDINOS, L.; GUTIERREZ, S.; CARDOZA, R.E.; MARTIN, J.F.; CANTORAL, J.M. (2001): Characterization of the gdhA Gene from the Phytopathogen Botrytis cinérea. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 34:193-206

VALLEJO, I., REBORDINOS, L.; COLLADO, LG.; CANTORAL, J.M. (2001): Differential behavior of mycelial growth of several Botrytis cinerea strains on either patchoulol- or globulol-amended media. Journal of Phytopathology, 149:113-118

MESA, J.J.; INFANTE, J.J; REBORDINOS, L.; SANCHEZ, J.A.; CANTORAL, J.M. (2000): Influence of the Yeast Genotypes on Enological Characteristics of Sherry Wines. American Journal of Enology and Viticultura: 51(1):15-21

PEREZ-ESLAVA A.; CANTORAL, J.M.(2000): Industrial Mycology and Mycopathology. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología, 17(1): S20-S60

REBORDINOS, L.; VALLEJO, I.; SANTOS, M.; COLLADO, I.G.; CARBU, M.; CANTORAL, J.M. (2000): Análisis genético y relación con patogenicidad en Botrytis cinérea. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología, 17(1): S37-S42

DURAN-PATRON, R.; HERNANDEZ-GALAN, R.; REBORDINOS, L.; CANTORAL, J.M.; COLLADO, I.G. (1999): Structure-Acivity Relationships of New Phytotoxic Metabolites wiyh the Botryane Skeleton from Botrytis cinerea. Tetrahedron. 55: 2389-2400

MESA, J.J.; INFANTE, J.J.; REBORDINOS, L.; CANTORAL, J.M. (1999): Characterization of Yeasts Involved in the Biological Ageing of Sherry Wines. Food Science and Technology, 32: 114-120

MESA, J.J.; REBORDINOS, L.; SANCHEZ, J.A.; GARCIA, E.; INFANTE, J.J.; BARROSO, C.G.; CANTORAL, J.M. (1999): Seguimiento de poblaciones de levaduras durante la Crianza Biológica de vinos de Jerez. Serie: Encuentros UCA en el Puerto No 1. C.G. Barroso (ed). Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz

SANTOS, M.; VALLEJO, I.; REBORDINOS, L.; GARCIA, E.; COLLADO, I.G.; CANTORAL, J.M. (1999): Estudio del fitopatógeno Botrytis cinerea por técnicas de Biología Molecular: Serie: Encuentros UCA en el Puerto No 1. C.G. Barroso (ed). ISBN 84-89141-23-1. 45-53, Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz

GUILLÉN, D.A. , C.G. BARROSO, L. ZORRO, V. CARRASCAL, J.A. PÉREZ-BUSTAMANTE. (1998): Organic acids analysis in 'brandy de Jerez' by ion-exclusion chromatography, post-column buffering and conductimetric detection. Analusis, 26: 186-189

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