Open Day
1st July 2003
Rio Frio, Portugal

PROGRAMME in Portuguese

With the aim of disseminating the WATERUSE project activities to the technical, scientific and student communities, an Open Day has been organised during the IOP2 - Intensive Observation Period 2 (1st July 2003).

During the Open Day it has been possible to observe the different tasks developed by the several teams present in the IOP2 as well as to present and discuss techniques and knowledge.


Participating entities:

  Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal)
  Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural e Hidráulica (Portugal)
  Centro Operativo de Tecnologia de Regadio (Portugal)
  University of Dundee (Scotland, United Kingdom)
  Mendel’s University of Agriculture and Forestry – Brno (Czech Republic)
  Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel (Germany)
  Università degli studi di Padova (Itália) + Basel University (Switzerland)
  GeoHires International Ltd (Germany)
  Università di Napoli Federico II (Italy)


Main issues and poles to visit


Pole 1

Introduction to WATERUSE  project (ISA)

Pole 2

Meteorological measurements (ISA)

    Observation of the sensors network that ensures the meteorological data collection.    


Pole 3
Soil - Water content, profile and root distribution (ISA and Univ. Kiel)

    Observation of several sensors for the evaluation of water content – neutron probe, capacitive probe, etc, as well as innovative methods with potential to assess root structure and differences in the texture of soil profiles and in water content, with images production (3-D maps), by using geoelectric techniques and GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).


Pole 4

Micrometeorological observations (Univ. Padova and ISA)

    Use of advanced techniques that study the turbulent movements above the canopy, namely the eddy covariance technique, with the aim of quantifying ET and understanding the exchanges of mass and energy between the canopy and the atmosphere.
    Observation of sensors: sonic anemometers, high resolution hygrometers, infrared gas analysers, etc.
    The set included also sensors to quantify radiation and soil heat flux components, aiming to gather information on the surface energy balance.

Pole 5

Plant water status (ISA)

    Use of simple techniques to measure leaf water potential and stomatal conductance to evaluate plant water status and delineate an alternative in irrigation scheduling.
    Stomatal aperture is used in evapotranspiration models and is a reference to analyse the behaviour of irrigation scheduling indicators.
    Observation of sensors, its use and some results; discussion of applications.

Pole 6

Sap flow and stand structure - canopy/roots (ISA and  Mendel Univ.)

    Total daily sap flow is equivalent to plant transpiration. Three methods have been used to measure sap flow in trunks and roots.
Observation of sensors and presentation of application examples in the assessment of stand transpiration. The flux dynamics translates also a survival strategy and the state of the conducting system, indicating possible dysfunctions and diseases, which can be interpreted in connection to the functional stability and vitality of trees and stands.
    Techniques in use, to the characterization of the stand structure, were referred.

Polo 7

Remote sensing (Dundee Univ.)

    Measurement of vegetation temperature allows for the estimate of its evaporation. The use of remote sensing techniques with this purpose allows for the assessment of instantaneous results at different scales.
    Observation of sensors use, based in the images taken at different wavelengths, converted to canopy temperature estimates.
The meteorological variables and the canopy resistances are incorporated in evaporation models, along with the measurements given by the images.