Working group


Maria Isabel Ferreira  (Full Professor)
José Silvestre (Ph. D. student, 2001-2003)
Teresa Afonso do Paço (Post-doc research fellow)
Rodolfo Silva (Ph. D. student)
Adriano Silva (Engineer)
Nuno Conceição (Engineer)

Undergraduate students and fellowships:

Delgado Rojas, António Costa

Administrative and technical support:

António Amante, Manuela Caron, Marina Pité, Gonçalo Fernandes, Catarina Ferreira, António Mendes...
At other departments - ISA

Carlos Arruda Pacheco (Professor, DCA)

Jorge Soares David (Full Professor, DEF with the collaboration of T. S. David, INIA)

Lucília Rodrigues (Researcher, DBEB)


The work developed

Evapotranspiration and water relations of woody crops


Strda/c/agr/159/92, JNICT. Measuring and Modelling Water Transfer in Tree Stands (Medição e Modelação das Transferências Hídricas em Espécies Arbóreas) (1994-1996).

FAIR1-CT95-0030. Innovative biological indicators to improve the efficiency of water and nitrogen use and the fruit quality in tree crops (1996-2000).

PEAM/C/GRH /587/95 (JNICT): Water use patterns in different slopes: case study in vine (Padrões de uso da água e evapotranspiração em diferentes topografias - caso-estudo: a vinha) - (1996-1999).

AGRO 288-AgM.8, Ac. 8.1 Sensors and experimental procedures experimentation for determination of water requirements and irrigation scheduling in Kiwifruit (2002-2004).

EVK1-2000-00079 (EC): Evaluation of alternative techniques for determination of water budget components in water-limited, heterogeneous land-use systems (WATERUSE) (2001-2004) - in collaboration with Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and UK- coordinated by  Isabel Ferreira (
